When multistage compression is used in a refrigeration system, cooling refrigerant vapor between the several stages of compression is needed. Cooling is achieved by an Intercooler which desuperheat booster compressor discharge vapor before the high stage compression.
There are two types: open type intercool, also called flash type intercooler and a closed type intercooler also called a shell-and-coil intercooler.
The sub-cooled liquid leaving the intercooler lowers the inlet vapor quality, thus reducing the mass flow rate through the evaporator as well as diminishing the sizing of the low-stage compressor required for a certain system capacity.
Docal intercoolers are custom made and can be engineered for both synthetic and natural refrigerants such as Ammonia (R717) or CO2 (Carbon dioxide R744). Certified according to the latest ASME standards, our intercoolers are available with National Board (USA) or CRN (Canada) certifications. Post-weld Heat treatment, corrosion allowance and internal cooling coils available as options.